Saturday, February 13, 2010

The skeptic sides of me

Love is a beautiful thing! In fact, life is an overflowing beauty to be unveil and one of those beauty is finding love. So i noticed lots of my friends are getting married this year. While i'm happy for them for getting married there's this little bit skeptic side of me that's wondering, will it last? It amuses me seeing those that got married after dating for few months. How do you know that person is the one ? When you're in love everything seems so perfect, but unfortunately the first few months of dating are about "being in love": we dress to impress, behave to impress and react to impress. How do you know when you're in love and differentiate if it was only a temporary butterflies or if it was really meant to be ? Does our society put a pressure on us which lead us to rush and get married? Does seeing your friends getting married makes you want to be in the same boat and make you believe that the next one you date gotta be and must be the one? I believe love is sacred and finding the one is a journey that begins with friendship. It is one thing that worth the wait.
I'm a skeptic, make me a believer!